triangle land conservancy, north carolina


Triangle Land Conservancy

Their Vision

We see the Triangle region as an increasingly healthy and vibrant place to live where wild and working lands are protected and everyone has access to open space, clean water, and local food.

Their Mission
TLC strives to create a healthier and more vibrant Triangle region by safeguarding clean water, protecting natural habitats, supporting local farms and food, and connecting people with nature through land protection and stewardship, catalyzing community action, and collaboration.

TLC makes a positive, permanent impact on the quality of life in the Triangle area by safeguarding clean water, protecting wildlife habitat, keeping local farms and food in our community, and providing places for people to connect with nature. We identify the most important natural and working lands in the region and work with landowners, developers, municipalities, non-profit partners, and the public to preserve sensitive land along streams and unique natural areas.


What can I do?

Read more about how TLC is improving our lives through conservation, and see how they are protecting the land at their newest nature preserve.