
1 world 2 feet new-02-02-02

At One World, Two feet, we believe everyone can be explorers. We are a thriving community of travelers, writers, and photographers, intent on discovering new places in our own backyard and around the world. Share our journeys, follow our adventures, and check back every day for new blogs, stories, and global spotlights. Most importantly? Be inspired to become an explorer yourself!


Daily blogs are coming at ya from Mongolia, Australia,  North Carolina, Florida, California, New York, and more. Stay tuned for expeditions, tips, and travel hotspots from our team of explorers.


Learn how our photographers set up their brilliant images, how to find certain species, how to make the most of your travel, and how to become a better communicator. Exploration can lead to conservation, and we’ll show you how we do it!


Pictures are worth a thousand words, and these snapshots bring the globe to you.


Many of the world’s most beautiful places are being threatened. Every month we showcase an amazing story of protection and conservation, complete with tips and tricks you can use to help!

If you enjoy reading our site and wish to reblog a post, we ask that you credit both One World, Two Feet, as well as the explorer who wrote the post.  Thanks for reading and happy exploring!


14 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you so much for liking my post! If you would like to see more posts like it, feel free to follow my blog! You’ve got some great content on here! Is there any chance I could maybe contribute in the future?? I would love to write on here.


  2. Hello there! Thank you for dropping by one of my posts in my blog. You have a very interesting site going on here! It’s very nice reading about all these different posts all around the globe by different people! Keep it up!👍🏻😊


  3. “Discovering new places in our own backyard” is certainly easier than traveling the world, and it can also be more challenging when there’s nothing fabulous at hand the way there is at a great scenic place.


  4. Thanks for visiting Flying Goannas. I hope you didn’t find the idea of eating an armpit too terrible.
    Your blog looks great and I’m looking forward to reading more.


  5. Guys, lovely blog, I like your articles a lot! I have a similar blog, started not long ago, I am trying to visit national parks and share pictures and write articles, and also accepting others to contribute! Lets stay in touch, following!


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